安装swoole扩展两种方式1. pecl 2. 编译安装
- 宿机win10
- 操作主机vbox-ubuntu
- 安装主机docker [letsdockerize/laradock-php-fpm:2.4-7.2]
pecl install swoole-4.4.4
执行上面命令后待定一段时间后、会出现下面询问对话输入[y]就是开启, 但是在dockerfile中无法自动为其输入[y]. 方法未找到. dockerfile可以使用编译方式安装.
381 source files, building
running: phpize
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version: 20170718
Zend Module Api No: 20170718
Zend Extension Api No: 320170718
enable sockets supports? [no] :
enable openssl support? [no] :
enable http2 support? [no] :
enable mysqlnd support? [no] :
building in /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultusernDqLij/swoole-4.4.1
curl -o /tmp/swoole.tar.gz https://github.com/swoole/swoole-src/archive/v4.4.1.tar.gz -L && \
tar zxvf /tmp/swoole.tar.gz && cd swoole-src* && \
phpize && \
./configure \
--enable-openssl \
--enable-http2 \
--enable-async-redis \
--enable-mysqlnd && \
make && make install && \
docker-php-ext-enable swoole
php –ri swoole
root@4c5bf38c1a5d:/var/www/html# php --ri swoole
Swoole => enabled
Author => Swoole Team <team@swoole.com>
Version => 4.4.1
Built => Sep 6 2019 05:54:34
coroutine => enabled
epoll => enabled
eventfd => enabled
signalfd => enabled
cpu_affinity => enabled
spinlock => enabled
rwlock => enabled
openssl => OpenSSL 1.1.0j 20 Nov 2018
http2 => enabled
zlib => enabled
mutex_timedlock => enabled
pthread_barrier => enabled
futex => enabled
mysqlnd => enabled
async_redis => enabled
Directive => Local Value => Master Value
swoole.enable_coroutine => On => On
swoole.enable_library => On => On
swoole.enable_preemptive_scheduler => Off => Off
swoole.display_errors => On => On
swoole.use_shortname => On => On
swoole.unixsock_buffer_size => 8388608 => 8388608
pecl install 参数选择 pecl help install
-f, --force
will overwrite newer installed packages
-l, --loose
do not check for recommended dependency version
-n, --nodeps
ignore dependencies, install anyway
-r, --register-only
do not install files, only register the package as installed
-s, --soft
soft install, fail silently, or upgrade if already installed
-B, --nobuild
don't build C extensions
-Z, --nocompress
request uncompressed files when downloading
-R DIR, --installroot=DIR
root directory used when installing files (ala PHP's INSTALL_ROOT), use packagingroot for RPM
-P DIR, --packagingroot=DIR
root directory used when packaging files, like RPM packaging
force install even if there were errors
-a, --alldeps
install all required and optional dependencies
-o, --onlyreqdeps
install all required dependencies
-O, --offline
do not attempt to download any urls or contact channels
-p, --pretend
Only list the packages that would be downloaded
pecl 安装swoole怎么开启openssl | 如果是 Nginx 代理到 Swoole,那么 Swoole 不需要配置 SSL 编译Swoole时指定–enable-openssl或–with-openssl-dir可以开启SSL
expect – 自动交互脚本 待研究