DecodeRune unpacks the first UTF-8 encoding in p and returns the rune and its width in bytes. If p is empty it returns (RuneError, 0). Otherwise, if the encoding is invalid, it returns (RuneError, 1). Both are impossible results for correct, non-empty UTF-8.
An encoding is invalid if it is incorrect UTF-8, encodes a rune that is out of range, or is not the shortest possible UTF-8 encoding for the value. No other validation is performed.
DecodeRune解开p中的第一个UTF-8编码,并返回符文和它的宽度(字节)。如果p是空的,它返回(RuneError, 0)。否则,如果编码无效,它返回(RuneError, 1)。对于正确的、非空的UTF-8来说,这两种结果都是不可能的。
b := []byte("Hello, 世界")
for len(b) > 0 {
r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(b)
fmt.Printf("%c %v\n", r, size)
b = b[size:]
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